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Mekdam Technical Services

Doha, Qatar

Qualification & Experience:

  • Bachelors degree in related discipline Mechanical Engineering or materials
  • International recognised qualifications such as
  • ISO 9712 level 3 MUT: PAUT: ToFD: ISO level 2 in AUT data analysis. PCN Level 3 Ultrasonics and Radiography
  • Have knowledge of ISO and (or) API Q1 quality audit program and able to participate / perform / lead quality audits/assessments.
  • Detailed in depth knowledge of DNVGL standard ST-F101 Submarine Pipeline systems.
  • Detailed knowledge of AUT system qualification and project validations, acceptance criteria & ECAs.
  • Minimum of 12 years broad practical experience as an NDE specialist with extensive experience of AUT/PAUT inspection of CRA (UNS N08825 & NO 6625) clad piping, pipelines, and fittings, including at least 8 years as client AUT representative within Plate and pipe mill manufacturing facilities.
  • Significant experienced as Client AUT representative with Pipe laying projects.
  • Considerations and requirements for the manufacturing of CRA clad components and subsequent fit up and Dimensional Control.
  • Detailed knowledge of current advanced PAUT/TOFD & Automated Ultrasonic Testing (AUT) systems.
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