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Qualification & Experience:
Bachelor’s degree/Diploma in Engineering with appropriate technical background.

Good communication skill in reading and writing.

Minimum 5 years’ experience in handling technical documents in Oil & Gas field.

Knowledge of ASSA! Project Data Management System, MS-office package, Office administration software are essential.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Handles all project-related documents, keeps records, distribute documents to all concern departments/divisions.

Facilitate RFES/RTS/RES panel meeting for various RFES/RTS raised by different departments within Gas Operations and maintain records of the status of RFSE/RTS.

Assist as technical support to Division Engineers to issue various Division reports on time. Responsible to prepare other routine/non-routine technical reports

Maintains and updates the department/division computer-based data records. Responsible for process data input to computer packages and computer graphics data, fiscal reports, performance indicators.

Assist division’s Computer related activities; provides initial assistance to division engineers/staff for PC & peripheral equipment related problems.

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